Karyn Pichnarczyk (karyn@cheetah.llnl.gov)
Thu, 28 Apr 1994 13:46:25 -0700

   Nor do they distribute their announcements to CERT/CIAC/FIRST/etc.
   redistribution through those mailing lists.

   I think HP *is* getting better.  But they've got a ways to go.


CIAC is on the HP security mailing list.  If anyone wants to get on
it, I've included the blurb from the bottom of one of their bulletins
in this message.

CIAC intends to put out a bulletin on HP's latest security patch
announcement.  The wait is because we are trying to find out more
about the problem beyond what is in their announcement, which
basically said "theres a security problem, here's the announcement of
the fix".

Karyn Pichnarczyk

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